stupid layout fix

Stefan Wille


I am a software developer, and I work with TypeScript, React.js, and Node.js. Since 2012 I live in Berlin.

My professional career started in 1996. This gives me more than 25 years of experience.

In my first Job, I joined Netlife. I became Netlife's vice president of product development and stayed until after their IPO.

In 2009, I cofounded Balao, the company who built GratisPay, and worked as its CTO. We sold Balao in 1/2010 to Fyber.

From 2010-2013 I was CTO and cofounder of Papersmart GmbH.

Today I work as a freelancer.

Areas of Interest

I am most interested in

  • TypeScript, React.js, and Node.js
  • Better ways of working together: Clean code, self organization, automated testing
  • Domain Driven Design (DDD)
  • Agile development


I have written two books:

The first book is "Go To JavaServer Pages". Addison Wesley published it in 2001. At the Amazon page you can find an overview and reader reviews.

My second book is "Spring and Hibernate". It introduces Spring and Hibernate, and how these two technologies play together in a typical project. Please see Amazon's page. Hanser published the second edition in April 2008.

Open Source

  • I have a TypeScript / React.js implementation of Pac Man at

  • Also, I have built a Redis client library in Crystal:


I used to mentor a junior developer before her first job and then while she was worked as a professional. Currently I am in the that process with a second developer.